Writing Community for Misfits

Welcome to Writersmerge

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    Here is an outline of the purpose of this board.

    What is Writersmerge for?
    Writersmerge is a forum for writers to share their works, give and receive feedback and overall improve in the art of written words.

    I’m new to Writersmerge. Can I post something straight away?
    Yes! But why not introduce yourself first! We like to get to know all of the writers on the board and the best way to do that is in the Let’s get to know one another thread. This thread gives everyone a chance to learn more about the other writers on the board and how they go about the craft themselves.

    What are the rules of Writersmerge?
    Writersmerge is predominantly a place for feedback to be given and received. Therefore, when posting please keep these points in mind:

    This is a spam-free board. Please try to remain on subject where you’re replying to a thread. If a post is considered to be completely irrelevant, it will be deleted. There is no need to post every story or poem you write; Writersmerge is best kept for displaying your best work or asking for help to improve your work. If you wish for a showcase of your works, we suggest the creation of a Livejournal account or any other blog/fanfiction site.

    Remember that often these sites are viewable to the public, so be careful to choose settings that allow only your friends to view pages if you do not want your work to be freely accessed on the net.

    Remember to be considerate of your fellow writers. It can be very scary to post your writing on the internet for other people to read, so bear that in mind with your comments.
    If you’re the one posting your writing, let people know what sort of feedback you’re after. Do you want general responses? Are you after some tips for improvement? Or do you want people to tear it to pieces and be completely honest about what works and what doesn’t? Let us know in your post and we’ll oblige.

    Please also remember that feedback is a two-way street. If you’re a new writer and you’d like to post something for feedback, try offering some feedback on other people’s stories first. If people give you feedback, respond in kind.

    We maintain a PG 13+ rating. As such, please do not post anything that you think would violate this rating, in accordance with the Office of Film and Literature Classification (Australia). That means:

    • no explicit swearing
    • no explicit violence
    • no explicit sex
    • no explicit horror
    • no explicit drug/alcohol use

    If you think what you are posting violates this rating, then please do not post it. Remember that we have many diverse members. Posts that are deemed to be rated above PG 13+ will be deleted.

    All works should be edited and spell checked before posting. Consider the presentation, grammar and layout of your work. It can be very hard to read a piece of writing that is one huge chunk of text.
    This is a good habit to get into for any piece of writing you submit whether it be for school, work or publication, so you may as well start practicing good editing skills now! ;D

    I’m worried about posting my work publicly on the internet. Is there some way I can protect it?
    Yes! You can post it in Prodders instead, if you wish. Prodders is a protected board and you are not able to see it unless you request access to it.

    We believe that a good writer is always seeking to improve their skills and their way with words and I hope Writersmerge provides a place for that to happen. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in this thread, or PM one of your friendly Writersmerge guardians; JP or Shonk.

    Otherwise – happy writing!

    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by Shonk.
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