Writing Community for Misfits


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  • #189

    What sort of Writing do you do?
    In a word it could be described as Vogon. Smashed out, edited again and again, sat on for months (giving me enough time to forget about it), eventually remembered, edited a few more times, buried in a documents folder and eventually recycled in a future story. I have stuff I wrote almost 20 years ago that I still occasionally refer back to.

    What genre do you like to write?
    Sci-fi that’s masquerading as Fantasy. I like characters, so I spend my time making them as real as I can in my head, and then they drive the story.
    Or fanfic. Fanfic is fun. The rules of the world are established and I can just play/focus on character development (more often than not, ‘fixing’ underdeveloped or mis-developed characters in canon…you know what I mean).

    Ever been Published or won any Competitions?
    I have vague memories of winning a book voucher for a story I wrote when I was 12 about dolphins? Haha, absolutely not, winning would require submitting words, as JP said.

    How long have you been Writing?
    In ‘secret’ since I was about 10, when I started writing fanfiction before I knew it was a thing that many other people did (and before the internet was invented). No I will not tell you what fandom it was for.

    What are your writing habits?
    Generally moaning about the fact that I’d rather be writing than [insert life task here]. I try to give myself an hour a day, but most times it doesn’t pan out.

    Who reads your work?
    I greedily hoard it for myself.

    Why do you write?
    Because there are stories that I want to read and I’m incredibly impatient.

    And finally, where can we read your work?
    Did I not mention the hoarding? I’m not sure I have the confidence to share it tbh. At the current, it’s something I do for me.

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